Saturday, January 02, 2010

Fashion Styling

I recently took a course on Fashion Styling from London College of Fashion. The concepts were very simple yet so powerful -

1. Style over fashion - you should focus on style (what looks good on you) rather than what's on fashion. e.g. Skinny jeans are the latest however they look good on very few people. You need a certain body shape to be able to pull of skinny jeans.

2. Balance and distribute - depending on your body type you should wear clothes that balance your body. e.g if you are broad at hips but narrow at top you should wear broader shoulders to even out the silhouette of your body.

3. Few classic pieces - it's better to own lesser clothes that are stylish rather than a lot of disposable fashion pieces. This is in contrast to the latest rave around fast fashion propagated by Zara, Top Shop etc. I have to admit my wardrobe is overflowing with clothes that I will never wear and my money was probably better spent on one good item versus 10 average things.

4. It's on sale for a reason - instead of buying a sale item on impulse, buy something that fits well and looks good on you. If something is on sale there is a reason -- no one else bought it. This one has really helped me as I'm a very impulsive buyer.



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